Armor of god and ten spiritual warfare weapons put on the armor of god and make a difference with your life, fast. Nov 25, 2015 on this page you can read or download 101 weapons of spiritual warfare free pdf in pdf format. Spiritual weapons for spiritual warfare download ebook pdf. The following selections are taken from unrestricted warfare, a book published in china in february 1999 which proposes tactics for developing countries, in. Spiritual warfare is the analysis of and active participation in the invisible spiritual war. Scripture quotations marked nas are from the new american standard bible, 1960,1962,1968,1971,1973,1975,1977 by the. Spiritual weapons arsenal christian robert 444 prophecy news. All christians are engaged in warfare whether we know it or not a. To gain strength in the lord, heres a list of seven weapons. Spiritual warfare is primarily dealing with three things the enemy sends at us. Spiritual warfare is resisting, overcoming, and defeating satan, his demons, and strongholds. Here are four offensive weapons to use during spiritual warfare. Spiritual weapons arsenal file attached oct 22, 2019, 7. How to be healed using spiritual warfare divine healing.
Christian spiritual weapons have divine power when used for divine purpose in spiritual warfare. You might not think of this as an offensive weapon during a spiritual attack but it does a lot of things for you spiritually. Always update books hourly, if not looking, search in. Delivered from our uk warehouse in 3 to 5 business days. Spiritual warfare gods secret weapons against our real enemies page 5 gods secret weapons against our real enemies daniel 10. On this page you can read or download 101 weapons of spiritual warfare free pdf in pdf format. It includes study of the opposing forces of good and evil, the strategies of satan, and spiritual strategies for overcoming the enemy. Below is a collection of downloadable pdf files on spiritual warfare and deliverance. The gifts of the spirit of god this is a bible study in itself, however, i mention this as other arsenal because it is vital to know and understand the power of the operation of the holy spirit in our lives to overcome satan in greater battles. If youre in spiritual warfare, read and memorize these scriptures to overcome and win the battle.
More people are under bondage now, more than in any other period of human history. Search the word to see if you can find more spiritual weapons. The weapons of spiritual warfare are determined by the ultimate outcome of victory, which is for you to be strong in the lord and in his mighty power. Spiritual warfare is the other half of medical missionary work. Inside this free special report ill teach you how to pray on the armor of god and ten spiritual warfare weapons you need to know about, right now spiritual conflict is not fun, thats why its called spiritual warfare. The enemy is like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour 1 peter 5. For we are not contending against flesh and blood, but against the principalities, against the powers, against the world rulers of this pr e. Pla literature and arts publishing house, february 1999 fbis editors note.
If you dont see any interesting for you, use our search form on bottom v. Olukoya 101 weapons of spiritual warfare never in the history of the world has there been an era of war, both physical and spiritual, like this era. The good news is that christ gave you the armor of god and 10 powerful spiritual weapons. First of all, it lets us all see our utter and absolute dependence upon god for everything, including food. Youll find more teaching videos, special reports, prayer guides, devotionals and morevisit us at headline prayer is ifas continual online feed of. True biblical spiritual warfare is what we have held all along before the misinterpretation came in. Inside this free special report ill teach you how to pray on the armor of god and ten spiritual warfare weapons you need to know about, right now. The bible positions spiritual warfare as a necessary reality christians must embrace in order to push back the powers of darkness. Fasting you might not think of this as an offensive weapon during a spiritual attack but it does a lot of things for you spiritually. The weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through god to the pulling down of strong holds.
First of all, it lets us all see our utter and absolute dependence upon god for everything. The weapons of this warfare are not fleshly human weapons but spiritual weapons such as truth and righteousness, blessings and curses, forgiveness and repentance. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading 101 weapons of spiritual warfare. Spiritual warfare is more than a mere analysis of spiritual principles. Now more than ever christians need to arm themselves with the whole armor of god and use the different weapons of our warfare to defeat the enemy. Get ebooks spiritual warfare on pdf, epub, tuebl, mobi and audiobook for free. The weapons of this warfare are not fleshly human weapons but spiritual weapons such as truth and righteousness, blessings. Apr 08, 2019 when we think of spiritual weapons, we tend to think only about the word of god being our sword, but we tend to forget that scripture gives us more defensive weapons to use and we need all of those weapon in our arsenal. Lesson 9 spiritual warfare as a christian, you are in a war a spiritual war. God says put on the whole armor of god, it means we need to saturate ourselves with. K download it once and read it on your kindle device, pc, phones or tablets. Praying bible verses is a powerful weapon against the forces of evil. And from the days of john the baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force.
Spiritual warfare is a battle between the kingdom of darkness ruled by satan and the kingdom of light ruled by god and his son jesus christ. The forces we face page 2 finally, he strong in the lord and in the strength of his might. Satan is a liar, and his attack on christians is by means of his deceptive and devious schemes ephesians 6. A christians weapons are only spiritual just as real, but not made out of hands, metal, stone, wood, explosives, etc. Aggressive evil powers need to be attacked aggressively. Weapons of the spiritual warfare truth ephesians 6. The weapons of our warfare are not carnal sermon by dr. Use both offensive and defensive spiritual weapons. Online read spiritual warfare and download spiritual warfare for free. Unless otherwise indicated, all scriptural quotations are. In the bible, the girding of the loins is a preparatory step, it prepares us for further action.
We know we can use all our weapons of spiritual warfare against the enemy of our soul, satan. How to be healed using spiritual warfare recapture your health with these five offensive weapons jay snell. During an invasion in the natural world, an army enters the actual combat zone to conquer its foes and claim territory. Click download or read online button to get spiritual weapons for spiritual warfare book now. Beware of satans weapons against your spiritual warfare. Put on your defensive armorcounter the devil with offensive weapons of attacktear down the enemys strongholdslearn the key to overcoming satans assaultshelp others to do the sameyour mind is a spiritual battlefield, but thanks god, you can learn the enemys strategies. It is to break down the spiritual strongholds in the hearts of men and women and to prepare the way for christ to set up his kingdomfirst in their hearts and finally in the whole earth. How this should keep us from folding our hands and taking it easy.
The only language that the enemy understands is the language of holy violence. We are in a battle and god has given us the weapons of our warfare. The scriptures marked with an asterisk are those to which we will be turning. The previous passage revealed the battle ground of spiritual warfare. Some of our weapons of spiritual warfare christs bondservants. This site is like a library, use search box in the widget to get ebook that you want. The girding of the loins is the first step in the christians preparation for spiritual warfare. During earthly wars generals have a significant selection of different weapons at their disposal, including fighter jets, bombers, short. Spiritual warfare 2016 outlinelesson one please note. Just stop lying, stealing, gossiping, causing division in the church and other evil temptations. Weapons of spiritual warfare first stone ministries. With these weapons of our warfare in hand, we are more than able. This work encompasses casting out demons, rebuking demons, counselling, teaching how to use the spiritual weapons of warfare, using the spiritual weapons in our daily lives against the attacks of the enemy from temptation, right up to the.
Nov 25, 2015 on this page you can read or download 101 weapons of spiritual warfare download in pdf format. Morin mobipocket the weapons of our warfare by jane e. I cast it out to go wandering in dry places, not to return to name of person or me, all in christ jesus name. Basic training is useless unless what is learned is put into. Apply natural parallels of warfare to war in the spirit world. Biblical do s and don ts of warfare 4 potential dangers, consequences and points to the true biblical spiritual warfare we have always followed throughout church history. In order to understand what he said in this verse, you have to understand that people had said, well, this. Spiritual warfare is a battle against satan, which takes place in the unseen, spiritual dimension and is faught with the weapons that have divine power to demolish strongholds, all while youre resisting satan, standing firm in the faith, remaining strong in the lord, and pursuing the ultimate victory of demolishing arguments against the. Major spiritual warfare principles upstream ministries. Police enforce the law with weapons, and force criminals to surrender.
Weapons god has given us to defeat demon induced sicknesses. Unrestricted warfare, by qiao liang and wang xiangsui beijing. You cant use carnal weapons to fight spiritual battles. Put on the whole armor of god, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. With these ten weapons, you can stop the devil and take your life back, now. The weapons of our warfare are not physical list some physical weapons.
Church teaching about spiritual warfare from catechisms from church councils from papal documents 8. Nov 12, 20 101 weapons of spiritual warfare never in the history of the world has there been an era of war, both physical and spiritual, like this era. Fists, yelling, tears, fingernails, silence, poison, and that is just overthecounter stuff. We have the weapons it is a great encouragement to know that our lord has not placed us in the battle without providing adequate weapons with which to fight. The exposition of these tested and proven rules is a product of thorough research by a spiritual warfare expert who has blazed the trail as a global phenomenon in the field of. It is a classic which everyone involved in spiritual warfare will treasure in these end times. There are more than 1 million books that have been enjoyed by people from all over the world. When you participate in the spiritual fight, you join god in loving people into his kingdom. Ebook 101 weapons of spiritual warfare as pdf download. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through god to the pulling down of strong holds. A quick primer on spiritual warfare globalchristians.
Scriptures for the battle scriptural names and images for the devil and demons incidents in scripture involving the devil and demons scripture. Apr 03, 2016 the art of spiritual warfare part 8 of 10. When we come to the specific elements of the christians spiritual armor, it is not surprising that truth is the first of the defenses identified by paul. A mighty weapon the bible makes it crystal clear that the weapons of our.
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